NPO Connect: Introduction to Grant Proposal Writing – Roanoke

Fitzpatrick Hall, Jefferson Center 541 Luck Ave., Roanoke, VA, United States

REGISTER HERE. LET'S TALK ABOUT:  Introduction to Grant Proposal Writing This one-day workshop will cover the basics of grant proposal writing and give you the knowledge that can help you secure the funding you need. This course is intended for those who are new to grant proposal writing or those with some experience who would like […]


NPO CONNECT: Give Them Another Reason to Stay: How to Build Harmony into Your Team Culture

Roanoke Higher Education Center - Room 412 108 N Jefferson Street, Roanoke, VA, United States

REGISTER HERE LET'S TALK ABOUT :  Give Them Another Reason to Stay: How to Build Harmony into Your Team Culture Many believe “The Great Resignation” is actually more of a “Great Aspiration”. Over the last couple of years, record number of employees have left their previous employers in search of something “better”, perhaps more representative of their […]


NPO CONNECT: Coalition Building: Defining Our Purpose

Roanoke Higher Education Center - Room 412 108 N Jefferson Street, Roanoke, VA, United States

REGISTER HERE! LET'S TALK ABOUT : Coalition Building: Defining Our Purpose Nonprofits are finding now more than ever that partnering with other organizations can be beneficial to long-term productivity and impact. Partnering ranges from simple informal networks and information sharing to more complex arrangements. Learn how targeted assessments and establishing goals informs partnering decisions, identify areas of […]


NPO CONNECT: Marketing Strategies to Stand Out Above the Noise

Roanoke Higher Education Center - Room 412 108 N Jefferson Street, Roanoke, VA, United States

RESITER NOW LET'S TALK ABOUT : Marketing Strategies to Stand Out Among the Noise We live in a highly complex digital world where we are constantly being inundated with information. In our current environment of overstimulation and overload, it's crucial for businesses and organizations to cut through the noise and capture the attention of their […]


NPO Connect: Intermediate/Advanced Grantsmanship Workshop

New College - Baldwin Building B-207 191 Fayetville St., Baldwin Building $B-207, Martinsville, VA, United States

REGISTER NOW LET'S TALK ABOUT: Intermediate/Advanced Grantsmanship Workshop  This one-day workshop will delve into the deeper nuances of grant proposal writing and stewardship. For this workshop, we assume that participants are already familiar with the basic components of a grant proposal and are now looking for tips and information on how to bring their grantsmanship […]


NPO Connect: Intermediate/Advanced Grantsmanship Workshop

Fitzpatrick Hall, Jefferson Center 541 Luck Ave., Roanoke, VA, United States

REGISTER OPEN LET'S TALK ABOUT: Intermediate/Advanced Grantsmanship Workshop  This one-day workshop will delve into the deeper nuances of grant proposal writing and stewardship. For this workshop, we assume that participants are already familiar with the basic components of a grant proposal and are now looking for tips and information on how to bring their grantsmanship […]


NPO CONNECT: Donor Retention and Stewardship: The Importance of Engaging Your Donors

Roanoke Higher Education Center Room 410 108 N Jefferson St., Roanoke, VA, United States

REGISTER HERE! LET'S TALK ABOUT : Donor Retention and Stewardship: The Importance of Engaging Your Donors Acquiring a new donor costs five times as much as retaining a current donor. High donor retention means the organization has a strong base of donors and the longer donors give, the more likely they are to continue to […]


NPO CONNECT: How to Get More Done with Less Stress

REGISTRATION OPENING SOON! LET'S TALK ABOUT: Imagine increasing efficiency, creativity, and resilience – without burning out! In this session, participants will: Understand methods for workload management and reduction, such as effective delegation, time management, project management, and available technology supports/solutions. Explore methods of self-care, including boundary setting, compartmentalization, leadership authenticity, and rest/recovery. Discuss the risks […]


EVENT CANCELLED: NPO CONNECT: Making Informed Decisions Based on Where Your Organization is in its Life Cycle

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED LET'S TALK ABOUT:  Like humans, organizations go through different lifecycles, and specific competencies and performance measures distinguish each stage. During this interactive workshop, you will learn about Nonprofit Lifecycles, the advantages of using this framework, and why the alignment of programs, management, governance, resources, and systems is so important. You […]


NPO CONNECT: Having the Right Data

REGISTRER HERE LET'S TALK ABOUT:  Data and program evaluation allows you to set clear goals, track performance towards them, communicate your results, and justify funding for your programs.  Learn how to integrate evaluations into all aspects of your organization. REGISTRATION FEE: FREE You do not want to miss this opportunity!   Trina Willard, founder Knowledge Advisory Group, […]
