NPO CONNECT: How to Get More Done with Less Stress
September 23 @ 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Imagine increasing efficiency, creativity, and resilience – without burning out! In this session, participants will:
- Understand methods for workload management and reduction, such as effective delegation, time management, project management, and available technology supports/solutions.
- Explore methods of self-care, including boundary setting, compartmentalization, leadership authenticity, and rest/recovery.
- Discuss the risks — to ourselves, our employees, and our organizations — of overwork and martyrdom culture.
- Complete a personal plan of action for the year before departing the workshop
You do not want to miss this opportunity!
Ryan Ripperton has more than 23 years’ experience leading nonprofit organizations, 19+ as an Executive Director. From 2010 to 2022, Ryan was Executive Director of SPARC, a youth arts education organization in Richmond, Virginia. During his tenure, SPARC raised over $17 million, expanded the budget by 300%, and increased the organization’s reputation dramatically, earning regional and national awards for program quality and innovation.
In 2021, Ryan opened Ryan Ripperton Consulting, a consulting practice focused exclusively on the nonprofit community. Ryan Ripperton Consulting helps nonprofit leaders quiet the chaos, define clear strategy, and achieve sustained results. Ryan has led projects in strategic planning and implementation, board governance and engagement, succession planning and executive sabbatical, and executive director coaching.
Ryan holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Southern Indiana and a Bachelor of Music Education from the University of North Carolina. He serves on the Richmond Chapter of the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities and on an alumni board at his college alma mater. He is an instructor for both public and private workshops in nonprofit leadership, board-staff partnership, board governance, and strategic management. Ryan’s wife Danielle Ripperton is the Executive Director of the Children’s Museum of Richmond, and they have two spunky kids.