Scholarship Listings

Below is a current listing of all Community Foundation scholarship funds.  Please note:  The online scholarship system will match each applicant with appropriate scholarship fund(s) based on answers submitted.

Scholarship Fund Name   Eligibility Criteria   Typical Award Amount   Is scholarship renewable?
The Alphin Family Scholarship Fund  

Fund higher education scholarship assistance to deserving young men and women pursuing an undergraduate degree.

  • Be or have been a graduating senior from Rockbridge County High School.
  • Enroll or be enrolled in an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  $2,500+   No
Ashby C. and John T. Pinkard Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarships to deserving young men and women.

  • Be a resident of Henry County, Virginia.
  • Be enrolled or plan to enroll on a full time or part time basis at an accredited two- or four- year college or university or vocational or technical/trade school.
  • Have a minimum 2.0 GPA.
  • Have current and /or prior work experience.
  $2,500+   No
Bassett Kiwanis Club Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarships to deserving young men and women.

For Bassett High School seniors:

  • Be a graduation senior from Bassett High School in Bassett, Virginia.
  • Have a minimum GPA of 2.5 as evidenced by the most recent high school transcript.

At least two scholarships may be awarded to graduating Patrick & Henry Community College students based on the following eligibility criteria:

  • Be a graduate of Bassett High School in Bassett, Virginia who immediately enrolled in P&HCC upon high school graduation.
  • Completed P&HCC studies in two consecutive years or less and plan to continue their educational studies
  $1,000+   No
Benny Summerlin Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides scholarships to deserving men and women who are pursuing a career in public safety and/or public service. Applicants can be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree or certificate program.

  • Be a graduating high school senior, a high school graduate, or a current college student from a high school in the City of Martinsville, Henry County, or be a current resident in the City of Martinsville or Henry County.
  • Be enrolled or plan to enroll at an accredited two- or four- year college or university.
  • Pursue a degree/certificate in the area of public safety and/or public service. Public Safety will include careers in Fire, Police, EMS and closely related occupations. Public Service will include careers in Government or Nonprofit Administration.
  • Demonstrate financial need as evidenced through completion of a FAFSA form.
  • Demonstrate academic ability to successfully complete a college level curriculum.
  • ESSAY TOPIC: Give your reasons for wanting to pursue a career in public safety and/or public service and why you are applying for the scholarship.


$1,000+   No
Berkeley and Zelma Cundiff Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship assistance to deserving young men and women pursuing an undergraduate degree.

  • Be a graduating senior from Franklin County High School.
  • Enroll full-time in a two- or four-year career or technical school, college or university.
  • Demonstrate the capacity to satisfactorily complete college-level studies.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  $1,000   No
Beverly W. & Mabel Tudor Grogan Scholarship Fund  

The fund provides educational scholarships to Patrick County, Virginia students.

  • Be a graduate or graduating senior of Patrick County High School
  • Preference to be given to students entering the medical field
  $1,250+   No
Bryan William Thomas Scholarship Fund  

Fund was established through the love and generosity of family members and many friends in memory of Bryan, who died as a result of a tragic automobile accident in 1994.  The fund honors Bryan’s active participation in athletics by providing need-based scholarships to graduating athletes.

  • Be a graduating senior from Glenvar High School.
  • Have participated in high school athletics for three years.
  • Enroll full-time in an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  $1,000   No
Carol Lee McGuire-Bishop Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides college scholarships to graduating seniors at Alleghany High School who will be attending Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

  • Be a graduating senior at Alleghany High School.
  • Enroll at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • Demonstrate scholastic achievement.
  • Demonstrate leadership and citizenship
  • Exhibit involvement in extra-curricular activities and community involvement.
  $1,000+   No
Carolyn and Bill Franck Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides scholarships to young men and women pursuing post-high school education in technical, vocational, academic, or professional fields.

  • Be a graduating high school senior or equivalent of a school in Henry County or the City of Martinsville.
  • Enroll part-time or full-time at an accredited two- or four-year college or university, technical, or vocational school.
  • Have a minimum high school or equivalent GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Demonstrate financial need as evidenced through completion of a FAFSA form or similar evaluation document.
  • Demonstrate academic ability to successfully complete a college-level curriculum.
  • If selected as a finalist, attend personal interviews with Scholarship Committee.
  $500+   No
Cave Spring Lions Club Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides college scholarships to graduating seniors currently attending a high school in Roanoke City, Roanoke County, Salem, Vinton or home schooled students in these areas. 

The following criteria will be used as the basis for the scholarship awards: applicant’s prior academic performance; applicant’s performance on accepted tests designed to measure aptitude and ability for college work; and applicant’s prior leadership performance.

  • Be a graduating senior of a Roanoke Valley high school.
  • Enroll full-time in an accredited two- or four-year college or university. 
  • Recommendation Forms from three individuals.  Two of these individuals should be current teachers or school personnel and one should be a community leader familiar with your leadership performance.
  • ESSAY TOPIC: Explain your view on leadership/volunteerism and the role that it has played in your life. (Maximum two pages)
  $1,000+   No
Christi Crutchfield Memorial Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides educational scholarships to deserving young men and women attending Northside High School, Roanoke, Virginia or Lord Botetourt High School, Daleville, Virginia.

  • Be a graduating senior from Northside High School or Lord Botetourt High School.
  • Enroll full-time in a four-year college or university.
  • Demonstrate the ability to satisfactorily complete college-level studies.
  • While not a requirement, financial need information will be considered.

NOTE: Family members of the owners or executives of Roanoke Valley Wine Company are not eligible to apply.

  $750+   No
CITY School Foundation Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship support.

  • Be a graduating senior from either Patrick Henry High School or William Fleming High School.
  • Demonstrate that community service is a priority in his or her life and write about that experience with clarity, insight, and humility.
  • Demonstrate the capacity to be successful in higher education studies as evidenced by prior academic performance.
  • Enroll full-time in a two- or four-year accredited college or university.
  • ESSAY TOPIC:  During the past 12 months, how have you used your own gifts to enhance life to others?  What have you learned from the experience? (1-2 pages)
  $300   No
Clarence M. Gillis Memorial Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarships to deserving students who exhibit leadership and good citizenship.

  • Be a graduating senior from Patrick Henry High School or William Fleming High School.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • Demonstrate the capacity to satisfactorily complete college-level studies as evidenced by a minimum GPA of 2.5.
  • Enroll full-time at an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  • ESSAY TOPIC:  Why do you feel you are deserving of the scholarship?
  $500   No
Clarence Lee Lester Educational Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship assistance to deserving young men and women.

  • Be a graduating senior who will be attending some form of higher education.
  • Be a member or have a family relative that is a member of First Baptist Church in Martinsville, Virginia. (This will be certified by the minister of First Baptist Church.)
  • Have a minimum 2.5 GPA 
  • Enroll full-time or part-time at an accredited two-year or four-year college, university, vocational, or technical/trade school.
  • Demonstrate the ability to satisfactorily complete college-level studies.

NOTE: In the absence of a qualified applicant based on the criteria above, graduating seniors from a high school in Martinsville or Henry County will be considered for a scholarship award.

  $2,500+   No
Clarissa Edwards Noland Memorial Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides educational scholarships to deserving students intending to pursue a career in teaching or creative writing.

  • Be a graduating senior from a high school located in Botetourt County or Roanoke County or the cities of Roanoke or Salem, VA.
  • Demonstrate the capacity to be successful in higher education studies as evidenced by prior academic performance. 
  • Indicate his or her intentions to pursue a career in teaching or creative writing
  • Enroll full-time in an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  • ESSAY TOPIC: What are your educational plans? What are your reasons for pursuing a career in Creative Writing or Teaching? (Maximum 500 words.)
  $2,000+   No
Davis B. and Barbara J. Francis Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides educational scholarships to deserving students in the Roanoke Valley.

  • Be a graduating senior or former graduate from a high school located in the Roanoke Valley.
  • Plan to pursue a degree and/or career in technical theatre or performing arts, including television or other types of media productions.
  • Have made recognized and significant contributions to the theatre arts program at their school.
  • Enroll in an accredited two- or four-year college or university, or career/technical school.
  • While the applicant’s financial need is not a major criterion, it will be given adequate consideration.
  $1,000+   No
Denise L. Sprinkle Memorial Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides educational scholarship assistance to needy and deserving students from Lord Botetourt High School and James River High School.

  • Be a graduating senior from either James River High School or Lord Botetourt High School, with a preference to those who attended Central Academy Middle School
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • Show academic/other merit indicating the capability of satisfactorily completing college-level studies.
  • Enroll in an accredited two- or four-year college or university, or technical/trade school.
  • Preference will be given to those planning to pursue a degree and career in Secondary Education.
  • ESSAY TOPIC: Why do you wish to pursue a career in secondary education?
  $1,000   No
Dianne E. H. Wilcox Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship assistance to students pursuing an undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral degree.

  • Be a Virginia resident.
  • Enroll full-time in an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  $1,000+   No
Dillon Family Scholarship Fund  

Established by James M. Dillon, this Fund will provide higher education scholarship assistance to deserving students.

An applicant must:

  • Be a graduating senior from a public high school in the cities of Covington, Roanoke and Salem, or the counties of Alleghany, Botetourt, Craig, Franklin and Roanoke. Preference will be given to those graduating seniors from Alleghany High School.
  • Enroll part-time or full-time in an accredited two- or four-year college or university, career, technical/trade school.
  • Demonstrate financial need (as evidenced by the Student Aid Report, demographic information provided by the school counselor (if available), and other pertinent information provided in the application.
  • Demonstrate academic/merit-based potential and capability of completing college-level studies as evidenced by, but not limited to:
    • Recommendations from at least one high school teacher and one community member/employer who will share insight into the student’s hidden potential by providing information about the student’s: application of learning, accountability, problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration as needed in desired educational or career path.
    • Student written/typed essay responding to one of the following prompts:
      1. I was extremely proud of myself when…
      2. My favorite learning environment is _______ and here’s why…
      3. My superpower is…..
      4. You have been asked to speak on career day at your high school twenty years from now. What will you say?
  $1,500+   No
Dorothy and Julien Meyer, Sr., M.D. Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarships.  The Donor’s intent is to provide financial incentive and support to those students who are most worthy of help and who will make the best use of the scholarship funds in pursuing their educational goals.

  • Be a graduating senior from any Roanoke Valley high school.
  • Enroll in an accredited two- or four-year college or university to pursue premedical studies.
  • Demonstrate excellence in high school studies.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  $500   No
Dr. Robert A. Pruner Memorial Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides need-based college scholarships to students from Patrick Henry High School, Roanoke, Virginia.

  • Be a graduating senior from Patrick Henry High School.
  • Have played varsity high school football for at least two years.
  • Enroll full-time in an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  • Demonstrate a capacity to satisfactorily complete college-level studies.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  $1,000   No
Eddie Simpson Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship assistance to very deserving young men and women pursuing an undergraduate degree.

  • Be a graduating senior from a high school in the Foundation’s service area.
  • Enroll full-time in a two- or four-year college or university.
  • Demonstrate the ability to successfully complete a college-level curriculum.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  $1,500+   No
Edwin K. Mattern, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides undergraduate higher education scholarships to those students who will make the best use of the scholarship funds in pursuing their educational goals.

  • Be a graduating senior from a high school located in the Roanoke Valley.
  • Demonstrate the ability to successfully complete a college-level curriculum.
  • Have financial need.
  • Enroll in an accredited two- or four-year college or university with the intent to major in engineering, architecture or a closely-related field.

NOTE: This scholarship is renewable for a period of up to four years. Returning recipients must submit proper documentation to the Foundation, maintain a GPA of 2.0 freshman year and a 2.5 for future years.

  $2,000 per year for 4 years   Yes
Ethel Snidow Holland Memorial Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides scholarship assistance for Roanoke Valley high school graduates who wish to continue their education in a college, university, or vocational field.

  • Be a graduating senior from a high school in the Cities of Roanoke and Salem, or the Counties of Botetourt, Craig, Franklin, and Roanoke.
  • Enroll full-time in an accredited four-year institution of higher education or vocational school.
  • Demonstrate a capacity to satisfactorily complete college-level studies.
  • ESSAY TOPIC: (Please answer all questions) Why are you deserving of this scholarship?  What are your educational goals?  Describe a challenge, either in your personal life or in school, and how you overcame this challenge. (400-500 words)
  $1,000+   No
Frances Parker Rupert Memorial Fund for Music and the Performing Arts  

Fund provides college scholarships to gifted students for study in the areas of music and/or performing arts.  Applicants will be considered based on their potential to develop an existing talent in music and/or the performing arts and their desire to enhance that ability.  Evidence of usage of the applicant’s music and/or performing arts abilities will also be considered.

  • Be a graduating senior from a high school in Alleghany County, Bath County, Covington, or Clifton Forge.
  • Enroll full-time in an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  • Pursue a degree in music or the performing arts.
  • Financial need will be considered.
  • ESSAY TOPIC:  Explain how the grant will help you achieve your goals in music and/or the performing arts.  (Maximum two double-spaced pages.)
  $3,000+   No
Frank D. “Bo” Shrader Memorial Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides scholarships to deserving students from Bath County High School for attendance and participation in vocational or mechanical education and training.

  • Be a graduating senior from Bath County High School or a Bath County High School graduate living in Bath Co.
  • Attend a program, college, or technical school in the vocational arts and desire to return to Bath County upon completion of those studies.
  $1,000+   No
Franklin County Ed-U-K8or Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides educational scholarship assistance to needy, deserving individuals.

  • Be a graduating senior or a current college student whose parent(s) is/are employed by Franklin County Public Schools, with a preference to those seniors attending FCHS,
  • Demonstrate financial need based on current family circumstances,
  • Show academic/other merit indicating the capability of satisfactorily completing college-level studies,
  • Preference given to students with the highest need and highest merit; and
  • Enroll, or be currently enrolled in an accredited two- or four-year college or university, or technical/trade school.
  $1,000+   No
Frank W. (Bo) Rogers Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarships.

  • Be a graduating senior from a Roanoke Valley high school.
  • Enroll, or be currently enrolled, in an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  • Demonstrates a strong commitment to volunteer service to benefit the Roanoke Valley community.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • Special consideration will be given to an applicant whose parent is an employee of Woods Rogers, PLC and lives within the Foundation’s service area.
  $1,000+   No
Franklin County High School Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides educational scholarship assistance to needy, deserving students from Franklin County.

  • Be a graduating senior from Franklin County High School,  or
  • Have graduated from Franklin County High School within the last three years.
  • Demonstrate financial hardship based on current family circumstances.
  • Enroll in a Virginia community college (preferable Virginia Western Community College or Patrick Henry Community College) and pursue an Associate’s Degree or pursue advanced studies at an accredited career, technical school, college, or university. 
  • Be capable of satisfactorily completing college-level studies.

NOTE: To receive future scholarship installments, the student must make satisfactory progress toward completing a degree.

  $3,000 (4 x installments of $750)   Yes
Gilbert-Thompson Memorial Award Fund  

Fund provides educational assistance to a deserving student from Alleghany County High School.

  • Be a graduating senior from Alleghany High School.
  • Enroll in an accredited two- or four-year institution of higher education.
  • Be active in his/her church, school, and community.
  • Demonstrate a zest for life and be a friend to all.
  • While not a requirement, preference will be given to students who have obtained the rank of Eagle Scout or Gold Award.
  • Immediate family members of the Fund Advisory Committee will not be eligible.
  $500+   No
Grace Lovegrove Memorial Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship assistance to deserving young men and women attending Patrick Henry High School.

  • Be a graduating senior from Patrick Henry High School (PHHS).
  • Demonstrate academic achievement as evidenced by a GPA of at least 3.3.
  • Demonstrate perseverance through participation in two or more years of athletics during high school (i.e. recreational sports and high school athletics).
  • Demonstrate good leadership through school, church, or community service.
  • Enroll in an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  • Close family members will not be eligible to apply.
  $2,000+   No
H.B. and Ellen B. Wharton Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education assistance to worthy, qualified and necessitous students.

  • Be a graduating senior from a Roanoke City or Roanoke County high school.
  • Enroll in an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • Preference will be given to students who are of the Christian Scientist faith.
  • Preference will be given to students attending Virginia Tech and/or any of the Virginia State teachers’ colleges.
  $1,000+   No
Helen F. Dickson Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship support.

  • Be a graduating high school senior from Alleghany High School.
  • Enroll full-time in a two- or four-year college or university.
  • Demonstrate academic achievement (standing in the top 25% of the student’s class).
  • Demonstrate good citizenship.
  • Participate in student activities.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • ESSAY TOPIC:  How have you demonstrated good citizenship and how have you given your time to make your high school a better place?  (Maximum of 2 pages)
  $2,000+   No
Homer O. Amos Memorial Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher-education scholarship assistance to deserving young men and women pursuing an undergraduate degree.

  • Be a graduating senior from a Roanoke City Public High School.
  • Show academic/other merit indicating the capability of satisfactorily completing college-level studies.
  • Enroll in an accredited two or four-year college or university.
  • Preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need.
  $2,000+   No
Hooker Educational Fund Corporate Scholarships  

Fund provides scholarships to deserving high school seniors and undergraduate students in Henry County or the City of Martinsville, Virginia and to students who are children or spouses of Hooker Furniture Corporation (HFC) employees.

Eligibility Requirements for students who are children or spouses of HFC employees:

  • Be the child or spouse of an HFC employee, who, at the time of an initial scholarship grant, is a “full-time” employee and has been continuously employed for two or more years by HFC.
  • Have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Demonstrate capacity to satisfactorily complete college-level studies as evidenced by high school and/or college transcripts or similar documentation.
  • Demonstrate financial need as evidenced through completion of a FAFSA form or similar evaluation document.

NOTE:  This scholarship is renewable for a period of up to five years and a maximum award of $24,000. Family members of HFC’s Board of Directors and its Officers are not eligible.

  $6,000 per year for 4 years   Yes
Hooker Educational Fund Community Scholarships  

Fund provides scholarships to deserving undergraduate students in Henry County or the City of Martinsville, Virginia.

  • Have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Demonstrate capacity to satisfactorily complete college-level studies as evidenced by high school and/or college transcripts or similar documentation.
  • Demonstrate financial need as evidenced through completion of a FAFSA form or similar evaluation document.
  $1,000+   No
Hugh A. White, Jr. And Nannie Ruth S. White Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarships to deserving and financial needy men and women from Patrick County, Virginia.

  • Be a graduating senior from Patrick County High School.
  • Demonstrate a capacity to satisfactorily complete college level courses as evidenced by a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Demonstrate financial need as evidenced through completion of a FAFSA form or similar evaluation document.
  • Enroll on a full-time basis at an accredited two-year or four-year college or university.

NOTE: Family members of the Donor(s) are not eligible to apply.

  $1,000+   No
Jean L. Price Scholarship  

Fund provides financial scholarships to underprivileged students living in the Roanoke Valley.

  • Be a graduating senior from the Roanoke Valley (including the cities of Roanoke and Salem, and the counties of Roanoke, Botetourt, Craig, and Franklin).
  • Or be a Roanoke Valley student enrolled full-time in an accredited two- or four-year institution of higher education.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  $1,000+   No
Jefferson College of Health Sciences Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarships to deserving students attending Radford University Carilion.

  • Be a resident of the greater Roanoke Valley, which includes the counties of Botetourt, Craig, Franklin, and Roanoke, and the cities of Roanoke and Salem, VA.
  • Demonstrate the capacity to be successful in higher education studies as evidenced by prior academic performance.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • Enroll in, or currently be enrolled in, Radford University Carilion.
  $1000   No
Jim and Pam Harris Scholarship Fund  

Fund will provide educational scholarships for worthy young women and men who intend to pursue a career in engineering or a related field.

  • Be a graduating senior from William Byrd High School
  • Enroll full-time in an accredited two- or four-year college/university
  • Demonstrate the capacity to be successful in higher education studies as evidenced by prior academic performance, with a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
  • Plan to study engineering or related field. 
  TBD   No
Jim Barker Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher educational scholarship assistance to deserving students.

  • Be a graduating senior from a high school within the Boys and Girls Clubs of SWVA service area.*
  • Enroll in an accredited two- or four-year college or university, or career/technical/trade school.
  • Have been a member of the Club for at least two years.

NOTE: If there is no qualified applicant in a given year, applications from students already enrolled in a post-high school curriculum may be considered by the selection committee.

  $1,000+   No
John and Sue Trimble Family Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher educational scholarship assistance to deserving young men and women pursuing an undergraduate degree.

  • Be a graduating senior from Bath County High School.
  • Enroll full-time in a two- or four-year career or technical school, college, or university,
  • Demonstrate the capacity to satisfactorily complete college-level studies.
  $7,500   No
John W. Wilks, M.D. Excellence in Science Memorial Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides educational scholarship assistance to needy and deserving students.

  • Be a graduating senior from a Roanoke Valley area High School who plans to enroll in an accredited two- or four-year college or university or technical/trade school, with the intention to pursue a career in the medical field; or
  • Be an individual seeking to continue his or her medical studies at the graduate level; and
  • Demonstrate financial need based on current family circumstances; and
  • Show academic or other merit indicating the capability of satisfactorily completing his or her medical studies.
  $1,200+   No
Joseph Waskey Gilbert Memorial Fund  

Fund will provide higher education financial assistance to deserving students who demonstrate an enthusiasm for life and broad participation in a variety of activities in church, school, and community.

  • Be a graduating senior who will be attending some form of higher education as a full-time student.
  • Be an active member and participant of Falling Springs Presbyterian Church (“FSPC”) for at least one year prior to graduation as certified by the minister on the application.
  • Be an active member of the FSPC Youth Fellowship for one year prior to graduation with a 50% attendance record as certified by the adult youth leader on the application.
  • Be an active member of his/her FSPC Sunday school class for one year prior to graduation with a 50% attendance record as certified by the Sunday school teacher on the application.
  • Certify via his/her signature on the application that all of the above requirements have been fulfilled.

NOTE:  Applications must be obtained from Falling Springs Presbyterian Church. 

  $850   No
Joyce and Shad Solomon Family Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship assistance to graduating seniors.

  • Be a graduating senior from Bath County High School.
  • Enroll in an accredited two- or four-year college or university in any field of study.
  • Academic achievement, financial need, and participation in team sports will be considered.
  $1,000   No
Joycelyn “Fudgie” Lee Farrelly Music Education Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship assistance to deserving students who intend to pursue a degree in music or music education.

  • Be a graduating senior from a Roanoke Valley high school, or
  • Be a Roanoke Valley resident beginning, resuming, or pursuing his/her higher education.
  • Demonstrate the capacity to be successful in higher education studies as evidenced by prior academic performance.
  • Indicate his or her intentions to pursue a career in music or music education.
  • Enroll full-time in, or be currently enrolled in, an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  $1,000   No
Kelsey Nicole Cooper Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarships to deserving men and women from the Martinsville Henry County community with an emphasis on volunteerism.

  • Be a graduating senior, or have graduated from, a high school in Henry County or the City of Martinsville.
  • Be enrolled or plan to enroll at an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  • Have a minimum GPA of 2.5 as evidenced by the most recent high school and/or college transcripts.
  • Demonstrate a strong commitment to the Martinsville Henry County community through volunteerism, leadership opportunities, and a desire to “improve local lives.”
  • If selected as a finalist, attend personal interviews with Scholarship Committee.

NOTE: Preference will be given to applicants who will be or are attending Virginia Tech and applicants who were/are in the CHILL (Communities Helping Improve Local Lives) youth task force.

  $1,000+   No
Kenneth D. Twitchell Memorial Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides educational scholarships and charitable financial aid.

  • Be a child of an employee of Branch & Associates, Inc.
  • The parent of the applicant must have worked full-time for the company for at least one year as of the date of the application for a scholarship.
  • Demonstrate financial need.

NOTE:  Family members of Kenneth Twitchell or of the company founders or executives are not eligible.

  $500+   No
LaPrade Educational Fund  

Fund provides scholarships to further the education of young men and women who appear to be able, deserving, and in real need of financial assistance in their post high school education in the fields of either technical, vocational, academic, or professional education.

  • Have a minimum GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale
  • Demonstrate capacity to satisfactorily complete college level studies as evidenced by high school and/or college transcripts or similar documentation.
  • Demonstrate financial need as evidenced through completion of a FAFSA form or similar evaluation document.
  • Preference given to students from the City of Martinsville and the counties of Henry, Franklin and Pittsylvania. 
  $1,000+   No
Lenna E. Etzler Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship support.

  • Be a graduating senior from Lord Botetourt High School.
  • Have taken a business curriculum in high school.
  • Enroll in an accredited two- or four-year college, university, or technical or trade school which has a business department or a recognized business curriculum and pursue a degree in business.
  • Demonstrate a capacity to satisfactorily complete college-level studies.
  • Financial need is not a requirement but will be considered.
  $1,000+   No
Lester Educational Fund  

Fund provides scholarships to help students obtain an education in a profession or vocation.

  • Have a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
  • Demonstrate the capacity to satisfactorily complete college-level studies as evidenced by high school and/or college transcripts.
  • Financial need is not a requirement but will be considered.
  • Preference will be given to students from the City of Martinsville and the counties of Henry and Franklin.
  $1,000+   No
Linda Sowder Barnhart Memorial Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher educational scholarship assistance to deserving students who attended Sontag Elementary School in Franklin County, VA.

  • Be a graduating senior from Franklin County High School who attended Sontag Elementary School for at least two years.
  • Show academic/other merit indicating the capability of satisfactorily completing college-level studies.
  • Enroll in an accredited four-year college or university, career, technical/trade school.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to community service/volunteerism as evidenced by a resume.
  $10,000   No
Margaret Jones Irvin Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship assistance to students pursuing an undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral degree.

  • Be a Virginia resident.
  • Enroll full-time in an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  • Must submit your Student Aid Report (SAR) to be eligible.
  $1,000+   No
Marion Senior High School Memorial Scholarship Fund for Music, Art, the Performing Arts, and Education  

Fund provides undergraduate higher education scholarships to gifted Marion Senior High School graduates based on their potential to develop an existing talent in music, art, the performing arts, and their desire to enhance that ability.  Education majors will be considered on their potential to develop skills in the field of teaching or research and their desire to enhance that ability.

  • Be a graduating senior from Marion Senior High School.
  • Enroll full-time in an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  • Pursue a degree in music, art, the performing arts, or education.
  • Have a minimum GPA of 2.5.
  • Demonstrate the capacity to complete college-level studies.
  • Show evidence of usage of the applicant’s music, art and/or performing arts abilities.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • ESSAY TOPIC:  Explain how this grant will help you achieve your goals in music, art, performing arts, and/or education.
  $500+   No
Martinsville Kiwanis Club-J. Lawson Dyer Key Club Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship assistance to deserving young men and women.

  • Be a graduating high school senior at Martinsville High School with a preference given to Key Club members.
  • Demonstrate scholastic achievement.
  • Demonstrate good citizenship.
  $1,000+   No
Melva Dulaney Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides educational scholarships to deserving young men and women attending Cave Spring High School, employees of Integrated Textile Solutions, Salem, Virginia and children of employees of Integrated Textile Solutions.

  • Be a graduating senior from Cave Spring High School or a graduating senior who is either an employee or son/daughter of an employee of Integrated Textile Solutions.
  • Enroll full-time in an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  • Demonstrate the ability to satisfactorily complete college-level studies.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • While not a requirement, special consideration may be given to applicants from single-family homes.

NOTE:  Family members of Melva Dulaney Wright or the Company founders or executives are not eligible to apply.

  $300   No
Melva P. Jones Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship assistance to deserving young men and women pursuing an undergraduate degree.

  • Be a graduating senior from William Byrd High School.
  • Enroll full-time in an accredited two- or four-year college or university.  (Preference will be given to students who plan to study art and music at the college level.)
  • Demonstrate a capacity to satisfactorily complete college-level studies.
  • Financial need will be considered but is not a criterion for receiving a scholarship.
  $800   No
Member One Federal Credit Union – Henry Lee Memorial Scholarship  

Fund provides college scholarships to graduating seniors who are members at Member One Federal Credit Union and plan to attend a college or university in Virginia.

  • Be a high school senior.
  • Be a current Member One member in good standing
  • Have an exceptional history of academic achievement and participation in scholastic activities.
  • Plan to enroll in a Virginia college or university as a four-year student.
  • ESSAY TOPIC (Answer both):  Explain why you feel you are the best candidate for this scholarship. Member One is a strong community supporter.  How does this impact you as a member? (Must be between 250-500 words, double-spaced).

NOTE: Member One employees or children or relatives of Member One employees are not eligible to apply.

  $1,500   No
Member One Federal Credit Union – Richard L. “Dick” Williams Memorial Scholarship  

Fund provides college scholarships to graduating seniors who are members at Member One Federal Credit Union and plan to attend a college or university in Virginia.

  • Be a high school senior.
  • Be a current Member One member in good standing (will need to ask for account number).
  • Have an exceptional history of academic achievement and participation in scholastic activities.
  • Have participated in an athletic varsity sport (as recognized by the Virginia High School League) for at least two semesters in high school.
  • Plan to enroll in a Virginia college or university as a four-year student.
  • ESSAY TOPIC (Answer both):  Explain why you feel you are the best candidate for this scholarship. How will your participation in athletics during high school help you in your future academic and professional career? (Must be between 250-500 words, double-spaced).

NOTE: Member One employees or children or relatives of Member One employees are not eligible to apply.

  $5,000   No
MFP Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides scholarship assistance to deserving men and women pursuing an undergraduate degree in the field of health, business, or religion. Must pursue a degree/certificate in the area of health, business, or religion.

  • Be enrolled on a full-time or part-time basis at an accredited two- or four-year college or university or a vocational or technical school in the State of Virginia.
  • Demonstrate the capacity to satisfactorily complete college-level studies as evidenced by high school and/or college transcripts.

NOTE: This scholarship is renewable for a period of up to four years. Returning recipients must submit proper documentation to the Foundation, maintain a GPA of 2.5 and may not receive a failing grade in a class.

  $1,000+   Yes
Michael David Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund
in Honor of the James River High School Class of 2000

Fund provides scholarship assistance to qualified and deserving students to pursue higher education studies (with first preference for Learning Disabled students); will recognize their accomplishments to date; and will reward them for their demonstrated desire and ability to make the best possible use of this financial support in pursuing their educational/vocational goals.

  • Be a graduating senior from James River High School.
  • Enroll in an institution of higher learning, including trade or technical schools.
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
  • First preference given to Learning Disabled (LD) students.
  • ESSAY TOPIC:  Explain what the money will be used for.  Why do you feel you should receive this scholarship?  Where do you see yourself in ten years?
  $1,000+   No
Michael Dean Guilliams Memorial Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides scholarship assistance to deserving students who are pursuing further educational studies in a career and technical field.

  • Be a graduating senior.
  • Demonstrate good academic achievement in his or her career and technical studies.  Examples of career/technical studies include, but not limited to, Architecture, Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Construction, Electronics, Engineering, Graphic Design, Megatronics, Robotics.  Liberal Arts and/or Healthcare fields are not included.
  • Be pursuing a career within this profession.
  • Be hardworking and dedicated to his or her profession.
  • ESSAY TOPIC:  Give your reasons for wanting to enter the career/technical field, the area you plan to pursue, and why you are applying for the scholarship.
  $1,500+   No
Mimi Hart Memorial Police Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship assistance to deserving men and women who are children, or grandchildren of employees of the Martinsville City Police Department. Applicants can be graduating high school seniors, current college students, or intending to begin a program at an accredited two- or four year college or university, or technical/career school, or students in a graduate program. This is a merit-based scholarship.

  • Be a graduating high school senior, a high school graduate, or current college student (undergraduate or graduate).
  • Be a child or grandchild of an employee of the Martinsville City Police Department who have been employed for at least five years or was employed with the department for ten years and left in good standing.
  • Have a minimum 2.5 GPA.
  • Demonstrate the ability to satisfactorily complete college-level studies.
  $2,500   No
N.R. Burroughs Educational Award  

Fund provides scholarship assistance to qualified and deserving young men and women pursuing an undergraduate degree.

  • Be a graduating senior or current college student residing within a 200-mile radius of the Henry County Circuit Court for the entire scholarship period.
  • Enroll part-time or full-time in an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  • Have a minimum GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Have an annual household income of no more than $100,000 if there is one student attending college, or no more than $115,000 if there are two students attending college in the household.
  $1,000+   No
Phillip Charles “Flip” Reid Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship assistance to graduating seniors at Alleghany High School.

  • Be a graduating senior from Alleghany High School.
  • Attend a four-year college or university.
  • Have participated in little league baseball and have been on the Alleghany High School baseball team.
  $600   No
Rangeley Educational Fund  

Fund provides scholarships to further the education of young men and women pursuing study in technical, vocational, academic, or professional fields.

  • Have a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
  • Demonstrate the capacity to satisfactorily complete college-level studies as evidenced by high school and/or college transcripts.
  • Financial need is not a requirement but will be considered.
  • Preference will be given to students from the City of Martinsville and Henry County.
  $1,000+   No
Romero Family Scholarship Fund  

Fund was established to provide scholarship assistance to further the education of able and deserving young men and women in their post high school education in the fields of either technical, vocational, academic or professional education, with preference given to students from Henry and Franklin Counties and the City of Martinsville.

  $2,500+   No
Ronald L. Mayfield, Jr. Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship support.

  • Be a graduating senior from either Patrick Henry High School or William Fleming High School.
  • Have been enrolled in the English Language Learners Program.
  • Enroll in an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  • Demonstrate a capacity to satisfactorily complete college-level studies.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  $900   No
Roxie Stultz Dillard and Marion A. Dillard Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides educational scholarships for worthy young African American women and men going to a reputable college or university or graduate school.

  • Be a graduating senior from within the Foundation’s service area; or
  • Be a resident from within the Foundation’s service area currently enrolled full-time in a four-year accredited college, university or accredited graduate school to which they have matriculated; and
  • Demonstrate the capacity to be successful in higher education studies as evidenced by prior academic performance.
  $1,500   No
Sam and Tristan Pilson Memorial Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarships to deserving young men and women.

  • Be a graduating senior from Bassett High School in Bassett, Virginia.
  • Have a minimum 2.5 grade point average as evidenced by the most recent high school transcripts.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to the ideals of learning, leading and serving.
  • Be enrolled or plan to enroll on a full-time or part-time basis at an accredited two-year or four-year college or university or a vocational or technical/trade school.
  • ESSAY TOPIC: Describes what it means to live a life of service.
  $1,000   No
Samuel “Bo” Terry Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship assistance to needy and deserving students graduating from Roanoke City Public Schools.

  • Be a graduating senior from a Roanoke City Public School.
  • Enroll full-time in a two- or four-year institution of higher education or vocational school.
  • Be capable of satisfactorily completing college-level studies.
  • Demonstrate high moral values, a concern for others, and involvement in the school and community.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • Letters of Recommendation must be received from a teacher or coach and a guidance counselor.
  • ESSAY TOPIC:  State your future plans and why you need this scholarship (1 paragraph each).
  $500+   No
Scholarship Fund for Craig County High School Students  

Fund will provide higher education scholarships.  The Donors’ intent is to provide financial incentive and support to those students who are most needy and deserving of help and who will make the best use of the scholarship funds in pursuing their educational goals.

  • Be or have been a graduating senior from Craig County High School.
  • Enroll or be enrolled in an accredited institution of higher learning.
  • Demonstrate financial need.


Susan Kilgore Hill Memorial Fund  

Fund will provide scholarships to needy and deserving students graduating from Scott High School in Madison, WV.

  • Must be a graduating senior from Scott High School in Madison, WV planning to enroll in an accredited four-year college or university to obtain a Bachelors degree
  • Demonstrates financial need based on current family circumstances


The E. Price Ripley Memorial Foundation Fund  

Fund provides higher education scholarship assistance to deserving young people in their chosen field of endeavor.

  • Be a graduating senior from the Roanoke Valley (including the cities of Roanoke and Salem, and the counties of Roanoke, Botetourt, Craig, and Franklin), or
  • Be a Roanoke Valley student enrolled full-time in an accredited two- or four-year institution of higher education or specialized training program.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • Demonstrate scholastic achievement.
  $2,000+   No
The Louise and Sam McGhee
Scholarship Fund

Fund provides higher education scholarships.  The Donor’s intent is to provide financial incentive and support to those students who are most worthy of help and who will make the best use of the scholarship funds in pursuing their educational goals.

  • Be a graduating senior from James River High School.
  • Enroll in an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
  $1,000+   No
The National Honor Society—Felton Pendleton Memorial Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides undergraduate higher education scholarships to students.

  • Be a graduating senior from George Wythe High School.
  • Enroll or be accepted to an institution of higher learning.
  • Be of strong moral character and have outstanding scholastic ability.
  • Financial need may be considered, but it is not a criterion for receiving a scholarship.
  $3,000+   No
Troutville Volunteer Fire Department Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides higher educational scholarship assistance to deserving students.

  • Be a graduating high school senior who is a Botetourt County resident.
  • Plan to pursue a degree and/or career as a First Responder (a person with specialized training who is among the first to arrive and provide assistance at the scene of an emergency such as an accident, natural disaster, or terrorist attack), Fire Management, Fire Sciences, Fire Protection Engineering, Fire Service Leadership, Emergency Management, Emergency Medical Services, Criminal Justice, and other related fields.
  • Show academic/other merit indicating the capability of satisfactorily completing college-level studies.
  • Enroll in an accredited two- or four-year college or university, career, technical/trade school.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to community service/volunteerism as evidence by a resume.
  • ESSAY TOPIC: How do you plan to implement your chosen degree path into a career of public service?
  $1,000+   No
Victor A. and Louise R. Lester Educational Award  

Fund provides scholarships to help students obtain an education in a profession or vocation.

  • Have a minimum 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
  • Demonstrate the capacity to satisfactorily complete college-level studies as evidenced by high school and/or college transcripts.
  • Enroll in an accredited two-year, four-year, or post-graduate college, or university, vocational, technical, or trade school located in Virginia with a preference to those planning to attend a Baptist or other church related school or college in Virginia.
  • Financial need is not a requirement but will be considered.
  • Preference is given to applicants from the Martinsville Henry County area.
  $3,000+   No
Walter M. Otey, III Scholarship Fund  

Fund provides scholarships to talented and needy young men and women to obtain a college education. The Fund perpetuates Mr. Otey’s interest in Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Roanoke College’s Programs and Virginia Western Community College’s Nursing Program.

  • Be a Virginia Resident.
  • Be a graduating high school senior.
  • Have a minimum high school GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Enroll on a full-time basis at one of the following accredited colleges/universities: Roanoke College, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (Virginia Tech), or the Nursing Program at Virginia Western Community College.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • ESSAY TOPIC: (CHOOSE ONE) What are your reasons for seeking a college education and why are scholarship funds important? Why is it important for young people to volunteer their time helping others in the community? What are the two most serious challenges facing young people today and how would you address these challenges? (Maximum of three typed pages.
  $2,000   No
William D. and Sallye T. Coleman Memorial Scholarship  

This fund provides financial scholarships to deserving young men and women who attend public high school in Roanoke City and members of High Street Baptist Church.

  • Graduating senior from a public Roanoke City high school or graduating senior from High Street Baptist Church.
  • Must have plans to attend an accredited educational institution.
  $1,000+   No
Charity League of MHC Scholarship  

This Scholarship has an outside committee and is not affiliated with the Community Foundation.

  • Be a graduating senior from of a high school in Henry County or the City of Martinsville, or a previous recipient of the Charity League Scholarship.
  • Must submit a recommendation form filled out by his/her guidance counselor.
  $1,000   No


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