Become a Friend of the Foundation

Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia has been bringing good people and good causes together for three decades.  We are fortunate that many of these special people, our Friends, demonstrate each year that a good cause they care about is the Community Foundation.  Our Friends understand that it takes time and financial resources to ensure that charitable organizations receive assistance in funds as well as technical expertise and that more donors find ways to use the Community Foundation to help the communities we serve.

Becoming a Friend of the Foundation is a great way to get involved! By making a tax deductible gift of $500 or more to our annual Operating Fund you will be recognized as a “Friend of the Foundation’ in our annual report, website, other publications, and at events.

Your gift will support:

  • Our continued efforts to market and communicate the value of charitable giving
  • Seminars and workshops for attorneys, CPA’s and other financial professionals emphasizing the role of planned giving in keeping our community strong
  • Annual scholarship reception recognizing many deserving young men and women pursuing their educational dreams
  • Our continued efforts to strengthen the local nonprofit organizations through technical assistance and capacity building.

Friends of the Foundation

We are honored to recognize donors who give annual administrative support to the Community Foundation in the amount of $500 or more as “Friends of the Foundation” for that fiscal year. The support of our “Friends” is vital to keeping the Foundation strong and vibrant as we work hard to make our communities even better places for all. 

Roanoke Corporate Office Friends


Fiscal Year 2024-2025

Mrs. Nancy Howell Agee
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bishop
Mr. Don L. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bradshaw
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Cartledge Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth A. Chilton and Mr. Bryan Collier
Ms. Melinda Chitwood
Mr. Raymond G. Cobb
Mrs. Nan L. Coleman
Dr. Hoye and Mr. John M. Duckworth
Dr. and Mrs. Saju S. Eapen
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Ellett
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Elliot
Mr. and Mrs. J. Randolph Garrett III
Ms. Katrina A. Goode
Drs. Will and Karli Griffeth
Ms. Catherine J. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny L. Guilliams
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur L. Hazlegrove
Mrs. Doris Higginbotham
Thomas G. Karrasch Charitable Fund of
             The Community Foundation for a
             Greater Richmond
Mr. Talfourd H. Kemper
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lancaster
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Mercer
Ms. Ann Jarrett Morris
Mr. Wistar Morris III and Mrs. Karen Moran
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Nash
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz H. Oehlschlaeger
Mr. S. Kime Patsel
Randall R. Rhea, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Rhodes
Mr. Alan E. Ronk
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Shelor
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Stavola
Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Strauss
The Honorable and Mrs. Philip Trompeter
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Waters
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wirt


Fiscal Year 2023-2024

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Blackstock
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bradshaw
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Cartledge Jr.
Mr. Ray G. Cobb
Mr. and Mrs. W. Patton Coles
Mrs. Molly Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Creasy
Dr. Hoye and Mr. John M. Duckworth
Dr. and Mrs. Saju S. Eapen
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Ellett
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Elliot
Mr. and Mrs. J. Randolph Garrett III
The Honorable and Mrs. Robert Goodlatte
Drs. Will and Karli Griffeth
Ms. Catherine J. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny L. Guilliams
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur L. Hazlegrove
Ms. Johanna M. Henretta
Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Hoge
Mrs. Doris Higginbotham
Mrs. Esther W. Johnson

Kaladaali Empower Inc.
Thomas G. Karrasch Charitable Fund of
         The Community Foundation for a
         Greater Richmond
Mr. Robert Kegley
Mr. Talfourd H. Kemper
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lancaster
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lee
Dr. James T. McClung and Dr. Cathy
     Z. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Mercer
Ms. Ann Jarrett Morris
Mr. Wistar Morris III and Mrs. Karen Moran
Mrs. Jennie Sue Murdock
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Musselwhite
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Nash
Mr. S. Kime Patsel
Randall R. Rhea, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Rhodes
Mrs. Nancy Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Rogers III
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Tielking
The Honorable and Mrs. Philip Trompeter
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wirt


Martinsville Regional Friends


Fiscal Year 2024-2025

Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith Chaney Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hensley
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lester II
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Mallinak
Dr. and Mrs. J. Peyton Moore
Dr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Reaser
Mrs. Celia B. Scouras


Fiscal Year 2023-2024

Mrs. Doris Berry
Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith Chaney Jr.
Drs. Paul and Margie Eason
Mr. James B. Frith and Ms. Tracie Heavner
Mr. and Mrs. Jay E. Frith II
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hensley
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lester II
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Madonia
Dr. Raymond F. Mallinak
Mr. William L. Pannill
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Pinkard


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