NPO CONNECT: Building Blocks of a Modern Development Plan
February 19 @ 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Fundraising is a dynamic, ever evolving enterprise to provide financial support to an organization. This session will share current trends emerging in the field, adaptable tools for engaging current or prospective donors, and an overview in getting your organization fundraising-ready in our current times.
You do not want to miss this opportunity!
River District Consulting Group (RDCG) was established in 2014, by Rachel del Campo Gatewood and Hollie Adams, to strengthen purpose-driven organizations through creative solutions that bring their vision to life. Our passion lies in helping our clients build stronger communities through thoughtful strategy that deepens relationships and delivers results.
Rachel leads River District Consulting from a foundation firmly rooted in resource development, marketing campaigns, and business ownership. She approaches problems analytically, first looking at the infrastructure of an organization for strategic opportunities. She excels at drilling down and visioning up with clients, all while continuing to focus on being a good + kind human.
Hollie brings extensive training and experience in research and analysis. Her experience translates into her ability to assist her clients by testing, proving, and adapting in a competitive industry. With strength in creativity and marketing mechanics, she assists clients in creating the best foundation to launch their dreams.